Sunday School is an important part of learning about God and getting to know others on their faith journey. Each class is unique in membership, study resources and mission outreach.
Room 121
Ages 50s - 80s couples and singles
Our current study is 24 Hours That Changed the World by Adam Hamilton – We have teacher-led discussions.
We support Epworth Children’s Home and Water Mission. We enjoy covered dish meals at members’ homes.
Room 111
Ages 30s - 50s
We are studying Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard J. Foster.
We support Salkehatchie (Columbia and Winyah Bay Camps) and help provide school supplies for Seven Oaks Elementary School. We have occasional social gatherings.
Room 138/Zoom
Ages 50+
We have contemporary lessons taught by class members using books by authors such as Adam Hamilton, Max Lucado and Matt Rawle with occasional special lessons taught by Rev. Bob Borom.
We support Red Bird Mission, Salkehatchie, Sharing God’s Love, Family Promise and Oliver Gospel Mission. Our socials include a Christmas party, mystery weekends and class dinners.
Room 125/Zoom
Ages 50+
We use the Standard Lesson Plan (Variety of Old and New Testament Books).
We support Epworth Children’s Home and Family Promise. We enjoy social gatherings, a Christmas party and covered-dish breakfasts.
Room 122/Zoom
All ages
We are studying “Real Housewives of the Bible”. Our class leaders guide our discussion.
This year our mission is “Backpacks for the Homeless”. We join with other churches and a Girl Scout troop to collect and fill used backpacks with toiletries, food and books for the homeless.
Room 129
All ages from senior high teens to senior adults
Our teaching focus is an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of books of the Bible that is both exegetical and expositional. We also study theological topics to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of scripture. Questions and discussion are encouraged.
We are a new class and will soon identify our mission outreach. We enjoy fellowship over meals and celebrations.
Room 127
Older adults
We are discussion based class and use resources by authors such as Marcus Borg, Adam Hamilton and Brian McLaren.
We support Ashland’s Blessing Box, Family Promise, Sharing God’s Love, Killingsworth Home and Harvest Hope. We enjoy shared meals in various locations.
Ashland United Methodist Church
2600 Ashland Road
Columbia, SC 29210
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM