As we light the candles on our Advent Wreaths, we focus on four core values of our Christian faith: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. Over the years we have assigned slightly different significance to each of these candles, but they have become pillars of our faith in God through his word that became flesh and dwelt among us 2000 plus years ago now. This year, we invite you to spend extra time focused on the second candle, the Peace candle. Through reflection, prayer and discussion we will dive deeply into what it means for Jesus to be called the Prince of Peace—in our hearts, in our homes, in our communities and in the world.
The people of the Southwestern Texas Synod warmly welcome you and invite you to take a seat at God’s table. All people, without exception, are welcome at this table where we gather to be transformed and connected by God's endless grace.
What does it mean to be church with us? It’s about a dynamic connection with God through each other and the world. We live in the faith that we are loved without condition by an infinite and just God. God’s transformational grace brings freedom from serving ourselves and the weight of sin that may grip us. Our burden lifted; we are free to center our lives on service to those in need. Our hearts full, we are free to love our neighbor just as unconditionally as God loves us.
We gather to explore the possibilities of grace. We soar and stumble together knowing that living our faith is hard and forgiveness abounds. We embrace the truth that the cross and the resurrection both form our journey to God. We share gratitude that all that God has made is beloved, messy, and majestic.
All are welcome to join us and be transformed by God’s grace and unconditional love.
We believe that God's love for creation is abundant and cannot be divided or apportioned by us. Where we come from, who we love and all the ways we live in this world cannot separate us from the God who became human to be with us. We are called to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ to love and to serve all as the body of Christ. You are beloved. There is always a place for you here.