with all onsite church and community meetings/activities
9am-4pm • NW Hills UMC (7050 Village Ctr Dr, Austin 78731)
Join in a day of learning, conversations and reflections. Explore how experiences impact us physically, emotionally and psychologically and discover healthier skills to move forward; with a facilitator to guide conversations and discussions. Expected results: For you to be able to share what you've learned with your community. Open to both laity and clergy. (Participation qualifies for Advanced Lay Servant credits and Clergy CEUs.) Cost: $25 (lunch incl).
5th Sundays are a special day of worship, fellowship and fun here at LTUMC!
—10AM: Adult Sunday School classes will meet, the Student Ministry will meet in the Activity Center loft, while Kids Worship is held in the Kids Center.
—11AM: Our entire church family will gather for one service of the day for an all-ages worship.
After worship, we'll gather for a delicious lunch in the Activity Center; DESSERTS ARE WELCOME! (Onsite donations to cover meal cost are welcome, but not requisite.)
12-2pm • Lakeway City Park
LTUMC is handing out bottled water at this year's Lakeway Eggstravaganza. This free, fun community event will feature multi age-group egg hunts + a golden egg in each that gets a special prize. There will also be food vendors, a petting zoo, bubble station, chalk art, facepainting and many other exciting booths and activities, including ours! We hope you'll join us to represent LTUMC among our neighbors. | Also, we need 10 "official" water distributors. To volunteer, contact Jim McAfee: 408-307-1263,
8am • Activity Center, Gym
Men of our church and community, you're invited to this month's United Methodist Men Breakfast Meeting w/ Holy Communion, discussion of current projects + breakfast prepared by fellow members. Early birds, coffee’s ready at 7:30!
UMM is a community of men focused on Christian fellowship service and leadership. It's a growing group and doing great things! QUESTIONS? Email
John Kenny.
9am-12pm • Activity Ctr
Ready to roll-up your sleeves? You're invited to help beautify the LTUMC campus as we prepare for our Easter season. We'll have projects for ALL ages, with both indoor and outdoor work, so bring the family! Please bring work gloves, tools, and a mission-focused spirit as we love on this beautiful campus that God has blessed us with. Snacks and waters provided.
9am Traditional • 11am Modern • Worship Ctr
This is the beginning of our Holy Week journey where we explore the extraordinary passion and love Jesus demonstrated for humanity, including all of us, and for all of creation. As we search for this love, we will find that God’s love is often found in unexpected places and in unexpected ways. On this Sunday, known as Palm Sunday, we will be drawn into a story that ripples throughout history and invites us to respond to God’s love for the world and for each of us in our daily lives.
6pm • Worship Ctr
Held on second Sundays, this quiet service with scripture readings, prayer, communion, candle lighting and acoustic music is a meditative form of worship, calling us to dwell deeply on Christ’s presence around and within us. “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). More info HERE.
5:30pm • Kids Ctr
6:30pm • Worship Ctr
12pm • Worship Ctr
On Good Friday, we enter the story of the suffering Jesus endured to achieve final victory over death, decay and brokenness. On this day, we do not rush past the pain; we sit with it. It’s called “Good” Friday because we recognize that God suffered with us through Jesus Christ, and that God is with us in our suffering. It’s called “Good” Friday because we get to look back and see that pain, suffering and death did not have the final word, which means we look forward with hope to the time when God will make all things new. As we remember Good Friday, we are inspired to point to God’s healing, repair and restoration through our daily actions amid the pain around us.
7:30pm • Lakeway Church
Individuals and families are invited to experience Jesus’ journey to the cross through a dramatic presentation by the combined choirs & Orchestra of LTUMC and Lakeway Church.
Engage in worship and prayer through scripture, music, and art to remember and reflect on the final days of Jesus Christ’s ministry, leading to the death on the cross. Respond to His sacrifice and experience God’s love for you as demonstrated by Christ’s sacrificial love.
9am-5pm • Worship Ctr
7am: Outdoor Sunrise Service (Activity Ctr parking lot)
9am: Traditional Service (Worship Ctr)
10am: Easter Brunch (Activity Ctr gym)
11am: Modern Service (Worship Ctr)
On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the good news that
Hope is Alive! We rejoice as we put our trust in the One who will heal and repair all that is broken. On Easter, we are reminded that our search for meaning and purpose in this life are ultimately fulfilled in a search for love — more specifically, in a search for the One who is Love. Our search becomes satisfied when we recognize that the One who is Love has been searching for us all along.
We're helping with an Austin Habitat for Humanity build! No experience necessary, but you gotta be willing to use tools — everyone will be integral. There will also be professionals onsite to assist. Lunch provided. Spots are limited, so sign up HERE! (Once there, tap "Sign In" button, top-right corner. If you don't already have an account, tap "Create an Account" button, then sign up for our event!)
9am/11am services • Worship Center
BRING CANNED GOODS! On Discovery Sundays, we round up canned goods for LT Crisis Ministries and serve fresh-baked cinnamon rolls while our Belong Team helps you discover your people, place and potential via next month's calendar. (Soup size to 15-oz cans preferred, esp. beans/veggies/pasta sauce).
Questions? Contact Patty Rosemurgy.
12pm • Wesley Rm
ALL ARE WELCOME! Join us for Lake Travis UWF's second 2025 Unit Meeting.
In keeping with the LTUMC mission statement, discovering our purpose together through community, service and worship, to make disciples for Jesus Christ, Together We Serve — an all-ages service camp — will focus on these key areas.
TAP HERE for more info, registration and payment info.
10:15am • Wesley Rm
Our Let's Talk About It class will begin a new Lenten study — "The Final Days: A Lenten Journey through the Gospels" by Matt Rawle. The Bible's four Gospels include unique perspectives on the days leading to Jesus' resurrection, each one revealing different facets of Holy Week. In this new book, Rev. Matt Rawle invites us to explore the themes of justice, poverty, freedom and love woven throughout the sacred stories of Jesus' final week on earth.
Questions? Email
Steve Cooper.
9-11am • Activity Center, 203
Easter is so much more than a holiday. Easter isn't just a date on the calendar; it's the most significant event in human history. It's the celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead, and His victory over everything that holds us back in our earthly lives. It's the day we focus on the promise and power of Jesus and draw closer to Him. Join Christine Caine and Lisa Harper in a transformative study that goes beyond tradition. Walk with them through four weeks of the Lenten season taking in the details of Jesus' life, the agony of His death, and the overwhelming joy of His resurrection. Relive His steps with a heart full of hope. See it all with eyes of faith. You'll be ready to celebrate Easter in more ways than you ever have and be inspired to share the joy only Jesus could make possible. Questions? Contact Jamie Winters-Johnson, 817-456-6647.
10am-12pm • Activity Ctr 101
In this 12-session video Bible study, some of today's best-loved Christian authors and speakers look at spiritual lessons learned from daring women in the Bible and what they mean for you today.
As you look at each of these women’s lives, you will discover how to:
—Apply biblical lessons to your own struggles.
—Live through your failures as well as your successes.
—Draw near to God in a world filled with trials.
—Find lasting contentment in every situation.
Overcome rejection and insecurity … and much more.
ORDER THE BOOK HERE. Questions? Email
Paula Bryant.
10-11am • Activity Center, 101
Life Search 101 will begin a new Bible study on Sunday, Jan 5 based on the book, "Walmart, Jesus, and You. Discovering the Gospel in Everyday Living." Pastor Joey Rich takes a contemporary spin on issues we encounter in our daily faith journeys using a parable-style commentary that both teaches and entertains. All are welcome. For info, email
James Miles. Hope to see you there!
9-10am • Activity Ctr, Gym
Finding Hope Wellness Center is rooted in a holistic view of health and spiritual formation as we serve our community. And since studies show our physical health is directly related to our mental health, we're offering opportunities to accomplish healthier bodies, minds and spirits. Current offering…
ADULT MAT PILATES — on Tuesdays — combines strength, flexibility, and mindfulness, focusing on core engagement, balance, muscle definition, and breath awareness. You’ll experience a series of controlled movements designed to enhance your posture, build endurance, and promote a strong, lean physique.
INSTRUCTOR: Katie Berndt is a 200-hour certified yoga instructor, a 200-hour certified mat Pilates instructor and dance/barre fitness instructor.
5:30-6:30pm • Activity Ctr, Gym • Free
Open to all! Fun, energetic, aerobic dance-fitness program combines Latin-inspired music, dance moves and easy-to-follow choreography.
Experienced/Certified Instructor.
Childcare provided.
We're helping with an Austin Habitat for Humanity build! No experience necessary, but you gotta be willing to use tools — everyone will be integral. There will also be professionals onsite to assist. Lunch provided. Spots are limited, so sign up HERE! (Once there, tap "Sign In" button, top-right corner. If you don't already have an account, tap "Create an Account" button, then sign up for our event!)
This year, we've announced a new, exciting way to serve through prayer to make sure our church, congregation, staff, ministries and community are "Covered in Prayer!"
We're asking you and EVERYONE to choose ONE day (or multiple, if you'd like) to silently pray for just seven minutes from wherever you are.
You'll receive an e-mail reminder from Signup Genius closer to your day.
Questions? Contact
Jen Smets.
Feb 26 • Mar 12, 26 • Apr 9, 23
Activity Ctr • 5-7pm
The mission: distribute boxes of free, fresh produce from Common Market Produce to locals in need. That's where YOU come in! Every other Wednesday at our Activity Center, we need 1 person to move a door column before the delivery (around 9am) and replace it after the delivery, then later from 5-7pm, we need 3-4 volunteers to greet locals in need as they pickup a 15lb box of produce, of which there will be 70. For more info or to volunteer, email/call/text Marley Anders, 210-364-3807.
Just 30 minutes a week
Lake Travis Elementary
Our church is again sponsoring the Education Connection Reading Program at Lake Travis Elementary for the 2024-25 school year! Our church members have the opportunity to volunteer 30 minutes a week in one-on-one reading sessions with teacher-chosen 1st-3rd graders who are reading below their grade level because… research shows children not reading at grade level by the end of 3rd grade are FOUR TIMES more likely to drop out of school. Interested in participating in this worthwhile program? Contact
Debby Connors, 512-261-6163.
Thank you for signing up to receive our weekly newsletter! Look for our newsletter on Thursdays at 4:30pm.
PHYSICAL 1502 RR 620 North
Lakeway, Texas 78734
MAILING P.O. Box 341268
Lakeway, Texas 78734
512-266-9877 • ltumc.org
© 2024 Lake Travis United Methodist Church