“Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these.”

Mark 12:31

Find Your Team

LTUMC wants to partner with you to reach our communities for Christ, by providing opportunities for you to serve within the church and to live out Jesus’ mandate to go into the world and make disciples.

Serve In

Serve Within Church

Serve Out

Go Out Into the World

Serve Within Church

Tech Team

Our Tech Team provides technical support for all of our services. If you have experience with live production, broadcast video, film, sound recording, IT or anything related, we could use your help!

CONTACT Isaiah Casillas

Hospitality Team

Connection, conversation and creativity is the heart of our Hospitality Team. Hospitality volunteers love to meet and greet people, make them feel welcome and invite them into our LTUMC family! Ushers make all feel there is a seat waiting for them. If you’d like to create memorable moments for our members and guests, we have a place for you to serve.

CONTACT Phyllis Gorman

Children’s Ministry

No matter what talents you have or how much time you have to give, there is a role for you in the wonderful world of Children’s Ministry. Some of our programs where volunteers can serve are Kids Worship, Children’s Music Programs, Sunday Bible Study and Vacation Bible School.

CONTACT Danielle Lair

Care Team

Our Care Team offers comfort and sympathy to those in difficult situations. We also provide support in celebration for life events such as baptisms and weddings. Some of the ways this team serves is through hospital visits, meals for the sick, baptisms, funerals and memorial services, receptions after funeral/memorial services, weddings and prayer.

CONTACT Cary Boddeker

Worship Team

Our Worship Team helps create the best experience possible on Sunday mornings. Contact the following members to volunteer…

• Ushers, Traditional Service: Warren Chirhart

• Ushers, Modern Service: Ken McCannon

• Liturgical Arts: Patsy Heare

• Lay Readers: Pastor Patty Highland, Logan McDaniel

• Communion Servers: Phyllis Gorman, Cary Boddeker, Pastor Patty Highland

• Communion Setup/Cleanup: Phyllis Gorman, Cary Boddeker, Pastor Patty Highland

• Portable Communion (to homebound and nursing home residents): Cary Boddeker

Music Team

Music plays an integral part of worship, outreach to the community and creative opportunities for all ages. Whether it’s singing familiar hymns or joining in with praise music, everyone can take part in the music at LTUMC. Opportunities to serve include…

• Adults: choir, handbells, praise team, ensembles and solos

• Youth: choir, handbells, praise team or traditional solos.

• Children: age-appropriate choirs, 4th-5th chimes, Christmas musical

If you want to help plan and host special music events and outreach opportunities, join our Music Team!

CONTACT Patty Highland

Go Out Into the World

Our church sponsors community outreach programs as well as partnering with other non-profits to help children and families in need.

Monthly Donation Drives

Every month, LTUMC endeavors to gather donations for a specific cause, e.g. baby items in December and a winter soup drive in February for Lake Travis Crisis Ministries, Teddy Bears for Abigail E. Keller Foundation and the medically fragile/terminally ill children it serves, electric fans for Partners in Hope families and more as the year goes on. For details on this month's drive, visit HERE.

Lake Travis Fresh Foodshare

The mission: distribute boxes of fresh food from Common Market Produce to locals in need. Volunteers unload 70 15-lb produce boxes from our Activity Center curb to its entry, every other Wednesday. Delivery Time: between 9-noon.

Upcoming Wednesdays: Jun 5, 19; July 3, 17, 31; Aug 14, 28.

CONTACT Marley Anders

Summer Lunch Program

In a joint effort with Acts Church Lakeway, each Friday during the summer, volunteers meet at LTUMC to prepare nutritious brown bag lunches. The lunches are then distributed by food truck to kids and adults in need in several areas of our community. Books and clothing are also made available. *Program qualifies for LTISD student volunteer hours.

CONTACT Bob Plummer

Communities of Hope

In partnership with ACTS Church Lakeway, this program provides free English classes for all ages, as part of our Hispanic outreach program, Principios Chiquitos. Engaging students in one-on-one conversation and guidance is so empowering! Speaking Spanish is not necessary. Volunteers can help once a month or every week, as your schedule allows.

CONTACT Pam McGoveny

Back-to-School Shoe Drive

Organized by United Women in Faith (UWF), this is a churchwide effort to provide a new pair of shoes to area students returning to school each fall. Our most recent shoe drive served 82 needy families by providing 228 pairs of shoes! You can serve by helping UMW organize and distribute the shoes or pick up a card in the Sanctuary foyer, purchase shoes and return them to the church. (This is part of our Hispanic outreach program, Principios Chiqitos.)

CONTACT Debby Connors

Angel Tree Mission Project

Donating to LTUMC’s Angel Tree Project is one way we can give of ourselves and offer our loving care to neighbors in need. At a distribution event in early December, we present a gift card to each child/youth enrolled, capture family Christmas photos and provide breakfast to-go. Donations can be made online HERE or by check (mailed to church or dropped off at office; please reference “Angel Tree” on note line).

CONTACT Patty Rosemurgy

Lake Travis Crisis Ministries (LTCM)

We support LTCM through ongoing collections of food each month. Also, every November, our choir partners with another local church to present a concert with all proceeds going to LTCM. The primary focus of LTCM is to love and honor our fellow man as Christ loved us by…

• Meeting short-term needs via food and financial assistance to those in a crisis situation.

• Meeting long-term needs via encouraging participation in education classes, support groups, job assistance, as well as financial and personal counseling.  LEARN MORE

Clothes Closet for Homeless Men

Sponsored by the Austin District United Methodist Men, LTUMC is a participating church and contributing is easy! Just clean out your closet and place your items in the containers in the narthex of the Sanctuary or in the foyer of the Ministry Activity Center. We’re in need of slacks (sizes 28-44), shirts (long- and short-sleeved), tee shirts, shoes, belts, caps and white socks.

CONTACT Cary Boddeker

Partners in Hope

Partners in Hope is a Lake Travis ministry connecting people seeking physical, emotional and spiritual help with people who can help. LTUMC is one of many churches in the area who participate by providing volunteers for building and repair projects. Every 3rd Saturday, Partners in Hope has a workday at a home in the Lake Travis community. LTUMC also provides weekly meeting space for this important ministry.


Education Connection

Literacy Partners pairs up Leander ISD-approved volunteers and select 1st-3rd grade students to practice reading and engage in conversations about the books being read. This program involves a weekly 1-on-1 session (right outside classroom door) with two children, 15 minutes each. LTUMC volunteers serve at Laura Bush Elementary (Steiner Ranch). Volunteers enroll each August for upcoming school year.

Register to be a Literacy Partner with Education Connection

Register to be a Volunteer with Leander ISD

Register with the Coordinator at Laura Bush Elementary or (512) 567-5686

United Methodist Committee on Relief

The mission of UMCOR is to alleviate human suffering around the globe via disaster response, health, sustainable agriculture, food security, relief supplies and more. UMCOR is a ministry of The United Methodist Church through the General Board of Global Ministries, and its goal is to assist the most vulnerable persons affected by crisis or chronic need without regard to race, religion, gender or sexual orientation — all people have God-given worth and dignity.


Cookson Hills Center

A mission of the Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, Cookson Hills Center (Cookson, OK) serves the needs of the Native American population — the poorest ethnic group in the United States. Its services include a food pantry, thrift store, education, healthcare, employment opportunities and cottage industry opportunities.


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